Friday, September 5, 2008

Teacher's day

Today is teacher’s day. A day to celebrate the essence of a guru, a day to salute the person who helps shape our thoughts and personality, a day to remember all the teachers who have guided us on the path of righteousness. If I’m told to pick out one teacher whom I’ll like to thank today, I would pick my mother. She started my education much before any other teacher came into my life. She may not have taught me science and mathematics, rather she imbibed in me the morals and principles which have helped me wade through the tough journey of life.

She is the epitome of courage and endurance. After studying in a low class Hindi medium school, she was left at the mercy of mocking seniors of an English medium college. Nonetheless, her determination and sincere hard work took her past all ordeals and she emerged a winner as a distinction holder in English in her college. This phase of her life always inspires me to fight all odds with valor and reinstates my faith that diligence and hark work always pays in the end.

Her struggles didn’t end there. Having being born and brought up in Calcutta, it was quite hard for her initially to adjust to the slow pace of life in a much smaller city. But her optimism, zest and amicability helped her carve an esteemed position in the family as well as the society in the city. My life seems to be a replica of hers in this phase of life. Right after my marriage I went to Chicago with my husband. There, I was all alone with just one person sans family and friends. Though my husband was extra cautious and understanding due to my occasional loneliness, my desire to go back to my land never subdued. It was then that my mother reminded me of her struggle and combat. Her experiences helped me expand and grow in a land which was once alien to me. I stayed there for 2 years, managed to get a very good job and a decent friend circle.
There isn’t a single day when I don’t thank God for blessing me with a mother like her because I have learned a lot from her at every stage of my life. I believe I could not have a better example of hardships, struggles and success and could not have been luckier to have a mother who is there to tirelessly and selflessly guide me through every phase of life. She is in every sense my ‘True Guru’.

Everyone has at least one ideal in their life, whom they follow and worship. Let’s take out some time from our busy schedules to thank that person today. It would take just a few minutes of your time to make that phone call or walk those few steps, but it would brighten up someone’s day to know that you care for them and that you remembered them for what they mean to you – your Teacher.

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